
Jessica Kimber Enslow es furor en Instagram por su figura escultural a sus 44 años y su vida fitness, la que publica constantemente con sus batidos y sus ejercicios. Una instagramer deportiva como cualquier otra, pero con unas 7 grandes diferencias: sus hijos.

Su primera hija la tuvo en 1994 y aunque en esa época el tema físico no era una sus preocupaciones, con el paso de los años se dio cuenta de que era necesario un cambio de vida que la hiciera lucir y sentirse mejor.

Ella misma ha relatado cómo vivió su transformación: “Cuando tenía 20 años estaba muy emocionada de ser mamá, pero no sabía lo que vendría luego. Mis hijos fueron los puntos importantes en mi vida por muchos años”.

Agrega que “hubo muchos días y años en los que pensé que estaba en un infierno del que no escaparía”, pues “la baja autoestima y el medio me tuvieron encerrada. Me vi obligada a dejar mi carrera de enfermería y, pese a que no estaba bien, debía estar siempre disponible para los demás”.

Fue precisamente esta situación la que la impulsó a adoptar un cambio drástico en su vida. “Aprendí a creer en mí misma y encontré la confianza necesaria para cambiar. Al hacerlo, logré felicidad y paz”, dijo al Daily Mail.

Relata que empezó a ejercitarse en casa y luego necesitó un entrenador personal. Actualmente, ella junto a su marido asisten tres veces a la semana al gimnasio para poder alcanzar su estado físico actual. Incluso, en ocasiones entrena mientras todos duermen en su casa. Su mensaje final está lleno de optimismo y muestra cuál ha sido su actitud de vida: “¡Valórate! ¡Ámate! ¡Cuídate! Sólo así podrás ayudar a los demás”.

Estas son algunas de las mejores imágenes que comparte en Instagram:



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Happy Friday my friends! Just a clarification, I am NOT PREGNANT ??‍♀️ haha! Sorry if that last post confused some of you when I announced my new YouTube video where I discuss the results of a test I recently took. I also discuss a recent experience I had with trying a 4 Week Shred program that I didn’t even last a day on. *snap* #darnit I ended up getting super sick (probably related to a coinciding tummy bug) + my diet had a drastic change! I fell HARD off the wagon on my diet. You can see for yourself, if you haven’t watched my video yet {link in bio}. I gained weight quite quickly, but since feeling better and sticking more to my plant-based diet I had from my recent ebook {}, I’m already noticing that I’m leaning out and have lost about 4 pounds ?? So, on my journey goes! I’m so excited I’m getting a home gym soooon!!!! ?? I’ll definitely share more once I get it! Thanks for sticking with me through my ups & downs, guys! Just wondering if anyone else has tried a shred program that was a short period of time and how it went for you? ?

Una publicación compartida de Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow) el


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#flashbackfriday is giving me all the feels today. ? We haven’t been able to take a picture together as a whole family since before @nick.enslow moved across the country last October. ? So, pardon me for the recycling, but I love pics where we are ALL in them! ? Quite honestly, all I’ve been thinking about lately is my family and how much they mean to me. Family is everything. I miss the days when my big kids were little and my little kids were even smaller, but am grateful for the more mature relationship I have with each one as they’ve grown. I can still see their little baby faces they once had as I look at them. I remember their sweet smiles, their mischievousness and their cute little idiosyncrasies. Phrases run through my mind often; phrases only my family and I would understand why they bring a smile to my face. “Berries! Lotsa berries!” @alyssa_kimber ? “Gordon Hoe Pinky” @codyenslow ? “I love you a lot of lot of lot VERY much!” @laurenenslow ? “What the h*ll are they doing over there?” 3 yr old @nick.enslow ? Motherhood can be so challenging, but I always knew it was my main calling in life. I knew from a very young age I wanted to be a mom more than anything! Sometimes in the thick of things, I’ve lost sight of the true blessings I’ve been afforded, but with 3 of my 7 kids out of the house now, I appreciate the days we were all together even more ♥️?? #blessedbeyondmeasure #thisismotherhood

Una publicación compartida de Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow) el


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THANK YOU for all your support with my ebook launch!!! ??♥️ My goal with this book is to create healthier eating habits for everyone! You don’t have to be “vegan” or totally plant-based to implement more whole plant-based foods in your diet! ? Also, plant-based food does NOT have to be bland or boring! ??? Take a peek at some of the recipes! ?? ? There are so many benefits of eating whole plant-based foods, including less risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer! I never really cared about eating a WFPB diet until traditional medicine didn’t help my chronic painful health issues and my doctor recommended it! Now, I am primarily plant-based, but not completely. I tell you this because I always want to be transparent with you guys, but I do feel TONS better eating a lot of plant-based foods! Happy Friday friends! ??

Una publicación compartida de Jessica Enslow (@jessicaenslow) el

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